Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Remember that time back in the '80s when King Diamond developed a British accent and formed a boy-band? No?

Well, if he had, he would have sounded a lot like the new album from The Darkness, One Way Ticket to Hell...and Back. I know that sounds goofy...and let's face it, The Darkness can get kinda goofy...but I absolutely love it!

I'm not sure what it is, but although I liked Permission to Land as a whole much better, certain tracks from One Way Ticket just click with me. It's like the way I identify with some of Queen's stuff: the blatant theatricality mixed with over-the-top rock star attitude.

Anyway, my point is, if you've never given The Darkness a good listen, you should do so. Specifically tracks #6 & 7 from their most recent, sophomore album, and the very first track on their debut. This is party rock, people, and I think I like where it's heading.